
Health by Plants


Health by Plants: The Best of Plant-Based Cooking brings you the best Whole-Food, Plant-Based recipes in one convenient book. As an added benefit, every single recipe includes a full page photo!The recipes in this book use no meat, no eggs, no dairy and no added oils. We also look to reduce the amount of sugars in our recipes. All recipes are also vegan.Consider eating a Whole-Food, Plant-Based diet as an investment in your health. This book will give you the top recipes that our family uses on a regular basis. Skip the trial and error and set yourself up with Health by Plants: The Best of Plant-Based Cooking and start your journey to healthier eating today!This book appeals to anyone wishing to make a healthier choice. Whether you are whole-food, plant based, vegan, vegetarian or a meat eater there is something in this book for you!

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Health by Plants: The Best of Plant-Based Cooking brings you the best Whole-Food, Plant-Based recipes in one convenient book. As an added benefit, every single recipe includes a full page photo!The recipes in this book use no meat, no eggs, no dairy and no added oils. We also look to reduce the amount of sugars in our recipes. All recipes are also vegan.Consider eating a Whole-Food, Plant-Based diet as an investment in your health. This book will give you the top recipes that our family uses on a regular basis. Skip the trial and error and set yourself up with Health by Plants: The Best of Plant-Based Cooking and start your journey to healthier eating today!This book appeals to anyone wishing to make a healthier choice. Whether you are whole-food, plant based, vegan, vegetarian or a meat eater there is something in this book for you!

ISBN: 9781364636661

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